Sunday, 18 August 2013

Cell Phones and Brain Tumors Risk

The risk of brain tumors among people using cell phone 10-12 years old, grows by 20%. And what is more dangerous cellular connection? Cell Phone usage also affects their performance at school. It is necessary to get acquainted with the research scientists

If we look at a picture of the brain, made while talking on a cell, you can see: the side of the brain, close to where the phone was more red, which means that it is hotter. That is, in fact, the phone heats the brain. There is an interesting statistic: Swedish researchers have shown that people who use a mobile phone 10-12 years, the risk of brain tumors was higher by 20%.

In the adult human brain is irradiated by about 25%. Do preteen - 35-40% of the brain. A child 5 years - 80%.

The brain is actually protected in part by the skull, because bone is more dense than brain, which contains fluid. The brain of a child, the head of a child is particularly vulnerable because their skulls are thinner and their brains contain more fluid. It's the fluid in fat which can absorb more microwave radiation," Dr. Davis states.

Conducted numerous studies that show that children who use mobile, shown reduced performance and mental activity. This affects their performance at school. But the current generation of children start to use mobile with just 5 years. And where it leads - is unknown.


Terms of use of mobile phone:

- Pregnant women can not keep a cell phone on his stomach. Radiation can affect the baby.

- You can not talk on a cell phone for more than 15 minutes a day. But if you talk on a mobile for more than two hours a day, there may be a chronic headache. Subsequently, its can cause sleep disruption and efficiency, the emergence of depression and stress.

- Labels that do not alter the radiation power. It is believed that if the paste special sticker on the phone, the output power is reduced. These stickers are still selling in stores. But they do not help.

- When using a mobile phone is better to use a special headset. Since the radiated power is reduced by 10 times.

- Do not carry the phone in your pants pocket. Swedish scientists have proved that prolonged exposure to mobile phone radiation can lead to infertility. Since the radiation damages the cells, they mutate. Therefore it is better carry your phone in your bag.

- Do not hold the phone to your ear during dialing. Maximum radiation is emitted from the phone to the moment when you are dialing someone. So at this point does not hold the handset to your ear.

Read more of this research article from Cancer Fact Sheet and

Risk of Brain Tumour by Dr Devra Davis  Flag Counter


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