Friday, 30 August 2013

Wi-fi radio frequency is harmful to health?

Today it is hard to imagine a life devoid of wireless devices - cell phones, laptops, and tablets. But all this technology creates electromagnetic fields that can heat the tissue of a living organism, warns journalist Raquel Kelart. These are the conclusions not only scientists, but also to the EU authorities. "A number of experts and some public organizations need to strengthen precautions when using wi-fi and new technologies, especially in public places such as schools and hospitals," - says the article.


Vivo Sano Foundation calculated that a child who goes to kindergarten and a school from 3 to 16 years, will be more than 10 thousand hours exposed to radiation from wireless devices.

WHO notes that the main effect of the radio - the heating of body tissues. However, mobile phone radiation mostly absorbed by the skin, and brain and other internal organs, the temperature rises slightly. As for networking wi-fi, they act on the brain is even weaker than the phones, says Elisabeth Cardis of the Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of the environment. At the same time the Interphone study on material from 13 countries revealed: those who are very actively used mobile phone may more likely to develop this type of tumor is a glioma.

But posed a serious health risk to Children Read On>> at Page 93

The International Agency for Cancer Research (IARC) has announced the radio frequency EMF (RF), used for mobile communications, a potential human carcinogen.

Experts recommend specific precautions.

1) Do not press the mobile phone to the head, and use a headset;

2) place the access point wi-fi no closer than 1 m from the places where people spend a lot of time (a bed, a table, a sofa, a place for games);

3) to transfer large amounts of data, or watch streaming video just in case the wireless device to the access point is good (in the retransmission of radiation exposure increases);

4) used to control output terminals (e.g., ECO DECT instead DECT);

5) turn off the access point when not in use (otherwise the device still sends signals);

6) in a public place is better to install a wi-fi network for all devices or go back to the wired Internet.

Watching TV in The Dark Causes Depression

Watching TV at night in the dark causes depression

Neuroscientist Tracy Bedrosian warned people not to watching TV in the dark, the scientists from the U.S., carried out experiments on hamsters .Researchers watched two groups of hamsters. The first group lived in a standard diurnal cycle: 8 hours darkness and 16 hours in normal daylight (150 lux). The second category of subjects lived the first four weeks of the experiment in 16 hours to the light level of 150 lux, and at night in low light (5 lux), which is equivalent to the light from the TV in a dark room.

After spending the behavioral tests, the researchers found that hamsters from the second group were generally less active during the day compared with those who lived in ordinary light conditions. In addition, they showed symptoms of depression, reducing consumption of sugar water, which is usually very fond of.

However, two weeks after returning to a standard light cycle, hamsters, who lived at night in the dim light, got rid of depression and became active as before.

"The good news for people who sit up late watching TV and the computer, is that you can remove the negative effect of staying in dim light, just returning normal routine" - quoted in the press release to the head of the research department of neuroscience doctoral student Tracy Bedrosian.

She notes that the findings of the study reinforce the existing theory that the constant exposure to artificial light at night plays a key role in the growth rates of depression among people over the last 50 years.
Sunday, 18 August 2013

Cell Phones and Brain Tumors Risk

The risk of brain tumors among people using cell phone 10-12 years old, grows by 20%. And what is more dangerous cellular connection? Cell Phone usage also affects their performance at school. It is necessary to get acquainted with the research scientists

If we look at a picture of the brain, made while talking on a cell, you can see: the side of the brain, close to where the phone was more red, which means that it is hotter. That is, in fact, the phone heats the brain. There is an interesting statistic: Swedish researchers have shown that people who use a mobile phone 10-12 years, the risk of brain tumors was higher by 20%.

In the adult human brain is irradiated by about 25%. Do preteen - 35-40% of the brain. A child 5 years - 80%.

The brain is actually protected in part by the skull, because bone is more dense than brain, which contains fluid. The brain of a child, the head of a child is particularly vulnerable because their skulls are thinner and their brains contain more fluid. It's the fluid in fat which can absorb more microwave radiation," Dr. Davis states.

Conducted numerous studies that show that children who use mobile, shown reduced performance and mental activity. This affects their performance at school. But the current generation of children start to use mobile with just 5 years. And where it leads - is unknown.


Terms of use of mobile phone:

- Pregnant women can not keep a cell phone on his stomach. Radiation can affect the baby.

- You can not talk on a cell phone for more than 15 minutes a day. But if you talk on a mobile for more than two hours a day, there may be a chronic headache. Subsequently, its can cause sleep disruption and efficiency, the emergence of depression and stress.

- Labels that do not alter the radiation power. It is believed that if the paste special sticker on the phone, the output power is reduced. These stickers are still selling in stores. But they do not help.

- When using a mobile phone is better to use a special headset. Since the radiated power is reduced by 10 times.

- Do not carry the phone in your pants pocket. Swedish scientists have proved that prolonged exposure to mobile phone radiation can lead to infertility. Since the radiation damages the cells, they mutate. Therefore it is better carry your phone in your bag.

- Do not hold the phone to your ear during dialing. Maximum radiation is emitted from the phone to the moment when you are dialing someone. So at this point does not hold the handset to your ear.

Read more of this research article from Cancer Fact Sheet and

Risk of Brain Tumour by Dr Devra Davis  Flag Counter

PopCorn Smell cause Alzheimer's disease

Experts from the American Chemical Society found that diacetyl - a component of food flavoring, which is part of popcorn, margarine and sweets, has a negative effect on beta-amyloid protein in the human body, The protein associated with Alzheimer's disease.

Popcorn cause Alzheimer

In laboratory studies, the scientists were able to prove that Aromatics does not work normally glioksalaza protein-I, which protects nerve cells. Given the fact that employees of some industries are regularly confronted with diacetyl, it indicates the likelihood of developing Alzheimer's disease from them.
The conclusions were reached by the researchers during the study and were published in the zhurnale Chemical Research in Toxicology. Earlier diacetyl associated with respiratory problems, and other abnormalities in the well-being of workers in the food industry.

Consumer Safety on diacetyl

In 2007, the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers Association recommended reducing diacetyl in butter flavorings.[20] Manufacturers of butter flavored popcorn including Pop Weaver, Trail's End, and ConAgra Foods (maker of Orville Redenbacher's and Act II) began removing diacetyl as an ingredient from their products.[21][22]

In 2012, Wayne Watson a regular microwavable popcorn consumer for years, was awarded $7.27 million in damages from a federal jury in Denver, which decided his lung disease was caused by the chemicals in microwave popcorn and that the popcorn's manufacturer, Gilster-Mary Lee Corporation, and the grocery store that sold it should have warned him of its dangers.[23][24][25]
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Friday, 9 August 2013

Jehovah's Witnesses do not involved with protests WHY. etc

Well from what i understand Protesting would made them in danger of becoming “worldly” by their standards. This is because we worldly types are all part of Satan’s world. Yup! you and i are Satan’s unwitting pawn to the JWs.

To JWs, letting a worldly person into their lives represents a threat to their spirituality. Satan could use us to corrupt them, so all worldly people (or all non-Witnesses) are generally assumed to be “bad associates.”

JWs consider themselves to be ambassadors or envoys of God's government, and so believe that they must demonstrate political and nationalist neutrality.[1] Based on they interpretation of (John 18:36)

[1] (John 18:36) Jesus answered: “My kingdom is no part of this world"…

( PS: He was denying an earthly rulership that the Jews were accusing him. I still don't get it How was it interpreted as saying that his people should avoid politics ??? )


Protest is one of many tactics which are needed to challenge existing power structures and bring about progressive change. When combined with media support, public opinion, civil disobedience (ie. Gandhi in India), democratic voting power, having candidates worth voting for, and influencing international organizations, protest plays a crucial role in change. Each of these tactics won't work on its own, but all support each other and are inter-related.

----- Mahatma Gandhi

The worst illiterate is the political illiterate, he doesn’t hear,
doesn’t speak, nor participates in the political events.
He doesn’t know the cost of life, the price of the bean, of the fish,
of the flour, of the rent, of the shoes and of the medicine,
all depends on political decisions. The political illiterate is
so stupid that he is proud and swells his chest saying that
he hates politics. The imbecile doesn’t know that, from
his political ignorance is born the prostitute, the abandoned child,
and the worst thieves of all, the bad politician, corrupted and
flunky of the national and multinational companies.”

― Bertolt Brecht

IS political and nationalist neutrality Sanction us to Tolerate Evil???

The Bible tells us that God not only condemned Sodom and Gomorra for tolerating evil, but also condemned Babylon, Gibeah, Egypt, and other nations for the same reason (Judges 19:15-30, Genesis 19). Therefore, tolerating evil is not a virtue, no matter how hard Satan wants you JWS to believe that it is.

If we do not speak out, how do we fulfill our God-given duty to preach the truth and rebuke error? See Revelation 3:19; Galatians 6:1,2; James 5:19,20; I Thessalonians 5:14; Ephesians 5:11; 2 Timothy 4:2-4.

By doing nothing to restrain or punish his sons, Eli sent them to hell. Therefore, had he really loved them, he would have made certain that they not only knew that their behavior was evil but regretted ever behaving that way. By failing to act in accordance with love, he not only lost his sons but also brought God’s condemnation on himself for tolerating evil (read 1Samuel chapters 2 and 3,)

There is provision for speaking boldly to rebuke, exhort, and convince. Not only to speak, but to do so boldly. To preach the Word!

2 Timothy 3:13-17, 4:1-2

But evil men and impostors will grow worse and worse, deceiving and being deceived. 14) But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15) and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus. 16) All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness, 17) that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

4:1 I charge you therefore before God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who will judge the living and the dead at His appearing and His kingdom: 2) Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching

Satan are delighted when Christians fall for the idea that it is wrong to condemn evil .
Leviticus 17:7, 1Corinthians 10:20,
Saturday, 3 August 2013

Nutritionists: 3 product that should not be consumed

There so many product that can be find the market and some of it are very wrong for a healthy diet and here are the 3 common product that should be avoided in your grocery bag.

Products without fat or partially de-fatted

They are very tempting in terms of calories, but it's pointless as a nutritionists products. The best example is the low-fat peanut butter. Real peanut butter is much more useful, because peanuts contain healthy fats (monounsaturated), which are removed and replaced with sugar. Do not choose foods modified in any way.

Protein Bars are high in fiber

Fiber is very important to our health. According to a study in 2012, the consumption of dietary fiber lowers blood cholesterol, prevent constipation and help you lose weight. In its natural state is in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, but many people prefer to direct protein bar - it's delicious, nutritious and very comfortable.

But there is one small problem - a protein bar too much sugar. It is better to eat an apple - it's healthier and cheaper.

Coffee with additives

Simple black coffee has dozens of benefits. It is scientifically proven that a cup of coffee a day reduces the risk of heart attack, diabetes or infection. Unfortunately, the ingredients that are added to coffee is not very useful - most often contain very rich milk or syrup. In other words, full of calories, which eventually leads to obesity.

Three Thing You Dint know about Banana

Bananas - a real miracle. Sweet and creamy, perfect for snacks between meals and are ideal for long-term maintenance figures. But beyond that bananas have other properties.

The darker the skin the better for health

1.Invigorate stronger than energy drinks

"Forget about the energy drinks, eat a banana", is a new board of dietitians. Study on athletes and published in May this year, revealed that those who ate the banana had higher levels of dopamine than those who chose the energy drink. In Furthermore, the level of dopamine continues to grow, and in an hour after the  banana was eaten. Bananas are not only successful in replacing energy drinks, but also help to feel better.

2.The more Dark spots on the skin, the more effective in the fight against cancer

According to Japanese research, baked banana with dark spots on the skin produces a substance called TNF (tumor necrosis factor) that kills tumor cells. The darker the skin, the more potent anti-cancer properties, and enhance immunity.

3.Perfect for a hangover

And that is because bananas are high in potassium. Eat a banana before bed or in the morning immediately after waking up, and you get rid of the hangover.

Nutritionists recommend eating one banana every day.

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