Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Chocolate the simple Anti-stress diet

a pile Chocolate Bar
Tryptophan, from the group of amino acids present in some foods, has a favorable effect on stress, according to a study published in the Journal of Clinic Investigation. and quoted that

Chronic stress cause the system to stimulates the production of ghrelin, a hormone hunger chemical, causing some sort of compensation mechanism, which increased our appetite for food. Therefore it is recommended to eat foods that are beneficial to the level of stress.

Those which contain a significant concentration of tryptophan, amino acids necessary for the synthesis of serotonin and melatonin levels are responsible for the good mood and sleep. Eggs, rice, chicken, dairy products, peanuts, fish are a source of tryptophan. It is known that the production of serotonin foods are high in sugar, thus these foods should be taken in moderation. In other words, a piece of chocolate at night would not hurt if it are comsume within two hours before bedtime.


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