Taking walnuts, the body receives and dopomin serotonin, resulting in improved speed of assimilation of information, the selection of optimal solutions to the problems.
Walnuts also contain vitamin E, C, A, folic acid, minerals iron, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iodine, phosphorus, copper trace. As an excellent source of protein, completely replace animal proteins.
Nuts are also a treat, and cure. They improve digestion, relieve angina, serve as additional food for the brain.Walnut kernel oil enhances memory, it is useful to adults and children. Especially useful to use nuts in cold weather, as they have a warming effect and increase the body's resistance to colds.
Keep in mind that nuts are superior in calories that chocolate bar. So a day is enough 2-3 walnut, and after drinking it necessary to rinse the mouth
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