On average, each adult per minute can touch up to 30 items, including those that live a great number of microbes, such as switches, door handles, telephone receivers, and remote controls. In my home we have something we can control the spread of germs through periodic cleaning. But if we leave the house and go to some public place to eat or buy food, or go to the doctor?
Have you ever seen anyone washing or cleaning the menu? Cold and flu viruses can survive for 18 hours on hard surfaces, said www.care2.com.
If you visited a popular restaurant or cafe, thousands of people who
have taken up arms in the menu, you could transfer dangerous microbes. Do not let the menu covered your plate or appliances and wash your hands after you make the order. Or you can use antibacterial wipes.
It is highly unlikely that the eatery try to regularly disinfect containers for condiments and sauces. In reality, many people do not have the habit of washing hands before eating. Better before pouring the sauce yourself or salt dish, wipe container disinfectant.
If you wrap up its regular cloth or handkerchief, it has no effect, as
the napkins are usually very porous and germs easily seep through.
Do not think that you can always use the public toilet and do not touch it either to a single knob!
Better wrap paper hand towel after washing your hands - thus microbes
with the door handle will not fall on the surface of the skin.
Probably someone from the outside might think that you mikrofob, but
you should not think about what other people think - because you'll
never see these people, but you will be the only one of all those who do
not pick up the infection.
About 25 percent of dispensers for liquid soap in public places are infected with all sorts of fecal bacteria! Soap, on which the "live" bacteria seems nonsense, but it was confirmed by recent studies.
You should wash your hands well with hot water for 15-20 seconds to
flush the "dirty soap", or you can use an antibacterial hand gel-based
The clinic where she is a doctor, not the safest place if you do not want to face the microbes. Read books and magazines, who brought with them. It is better not to touch objects in the waiting room. Take advantage of its disinfectant wipes and gels that contain 60 percent alcohol.
About 70% of the lemon slices that are "planted" on the edge of a
cocktail glass at a restaurant supply, contain disease-causing bacteria!
When the researchers ordered drinks at 21 restaurants, they found 25
different microorganisms that are "accommodated" by 76 lemon drop, which
they have applied. Among them showed E. coli and other fecal bacteria.
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