A teaspoon of this poison can kill the entire population of the United States, and four kilograms - the whole of humanity. Coli causes botulism paralysis of the diaphragm, breaks the connection between the muscles and the brain, leading to asphyxia.
The most dangerous bacterium lives everywhere, on all continents and the continents in the ground.
Clostridium Botulinum has incredible ability to adapt to different
environmental conditions: it is not terrible either salt water or heat
of the Sahara, nor cold.
The only factor that saves a person from infection - stomach acid, which kills bacteria development. But if the controversy began to form, stop their growth is extremely difficult. They are hard to appear even by boiling for 10 minutes. Optimal conditions for the development sticks botulinum stored, for example, cold preservation. If ingestion of contaminated food product just one bite is enough to get infected and die within 1 day. Neither the man nor the animals are not immune to botulism. Adult elephant weighs 5.5 tons, it will die in less than three days by eating 0.005454 mg of toxin.
Source: hvylya.org
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