We've all been there: A quick sniff in the milk carton or jug, and you just know it's sour. But don't be quick to judge to throw those sour milk . Because sour milk does not necessarily mean it useless and have to be thrown out. You only trow it out if the milk is more than a week or two past it expiration date , or if it moldy. Otherwise it safe according to Douglas L. Holt, a food science specialist at the University of Missouri-Columbia, "milk held past the expiration date may be clotted and smell, but it is almost certainly safe - just as yogurt and buttermilk is." In fact, sour milk can be used in recipes in baked goods and also as a skin care product.
Why use expire milk or sour milk as a skin care product?
Well milk that became sour will produce an acidic substance (lactic acid) and alpha hydroxy (AHA). Both substance had been scientifically proven to moisturize and soften skin and are effective in treating mild anti-aging that both important cosmetic material in use in almost all range of cosmetic available around the world wide.
According to the University of Maryland Medical Center study, the United States, certain nutrients are in milk can reduce serious acne problems.
Among the contents were found to be capable of improving zinc skin problems including acne effects.
Milk also contains vitamin A, which have a mild topical effect on the skin, also known as retinoids, which are used by individuals to treat acne, unclogs pores and reduce skin inflammation.
So now you know it secret you should think twice before trowing out those. Either throw it out or enjoy a Milk bath as luxurious as the milk bath use by Cleopatra VII Philopator, known to history as Cleopatra, the last queen of Ancient Egypt that rule there after Alexander the Great's death during the Hellenistic period. History had document that Queen Cleopatra who died in 30 BC after the battle with by Julius Caesar ,was known not only as one of the most beautiful women in the world, she was also envied by rival Queen for having soft , radiant and smooth and fine skin
If you are interested you can also read more on How to get more out of your milk that just drinking it if u want to know more on how to Ulises all the cooking ingredient in the kitchen then you might want to check out this book
as one of the most beautiful women in the world
as one of the most beautiful women in the world
as one of the most beautiful women in the world
as one of the most beautiful women in the world
as one of the most beautiful women in the worldwho invent and introduce milk bath and was re known for her smooth and fair skin.
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