Saturday, 15 June 2013

Does Eating at night adds weight? Yes it Does

Recently, the diet in many countries has changed as people now has greater access to food to variation of food and the money to buy them. With the busy life in the cities many people has opt to fast food. In addition, many sit up late, spending time watching TV. And when people are awake, they tend to eat and eating is no longer a hassle as you can easily cook them at home such as instant noodle or order from fast food restaurant which are open 24 hour.

Always eating during the day and even late at night? This could bring down the normal cycles of metabolism, experts warn. Increased body weight is partly due to irregular patterns of food consumption due to excessive calories.

In the U.S. study, mice were fed food rich in fat, and allowed them to eat when they want to. As expected, the mice recovered. For comparison, those mice which allowed only for 8 hours during the day, gained less weight, despite the fact that they consume as many calories as the mouse-eating erratically, reports .

The results suggest that limiting the mealtime is a good way to help people to get better.

"Everybody has their own body clock" - said the researcher Satchidananda Panda of the Salk Institute for Biological Studies in the United States. "This means that our liver, intestine, muscle, and other organs at a certain time work at peak efficiency, and at other times, more or less" sleep. "

During the study, which lasted 18 weeks, it became clear that food limitation in in eating time helped the mice to protect themselves from the negative effects of food rich in fats. Moreover, they observed improvement in the metabolism, compared with those who ate the day and night. Mice gained 28 percent less weight than mice that were fed without restriction, and they had less liver damage.
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