Saturday, 22 June 2013

Do you Belive kindness Keeps the Worls Afloat?

Most of us confuse being kind with being nice. Many people are nice, but they aren't kind. "Nice" is when you are polite to someone in person, but you may criticize them behind their back. "Kind" is when you treat people with respect and compassion regardless of who they are and what they do. Kindness includes empathy and care. Kindness is not something you give to people who deserve it. Kindness is a mindset that you choose and develop. You either express it or you don't. Being kind to another person is a statement about you, not about them. For me, kindness is an overlooked personality trait. offering advice or help, even when they know there is nothing in it for them -- and not just once but often, to help you along, to make sure you understand. I doubt they think of themselves as being kind, but, being on the receiving end, that's how I perceive it.

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